Our Beliefs
We believe and stand as an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church.
A. The Holy Scriptures I believe in verbal, plenary of the Bible. I use King James Bible in English and Judson’s Bible in Burmese. II Timothy 3:16-17. The Bible is very precious to me. Psalms 119:72. And I love to seek precepts in the Bible and practice them.
B. The God head
I believe in trinity of God. Matthew 28:19. II Corinthians 13:14.
C. The person and work of Christ
I believe Christ’s Deity, Virgin birth, Substitutionary Death, literal – physical resurrection, ascending to Heaven, Eternal High Priesthood.
D. The Person and work of Holy Spirit
I believe that the Holy Spirit is the Person who reproves the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment; and that He is the Supernatural Agent in regeneration, indwelling all believers and sealing them unto the day of redemption(John 16:8-11, II Corinthians 3:6, Romans 8:9, Ephesians 1:13-14).
I believe that the sign gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as speaking in tongues and gift of healing, were temporary. We believe that speaking in tongues was never the common or necessary sign of the baptism or filling of the Holy Spirit and that ultimate deliverance of the body from sickness or death awaits the consummation of our salvation in the resurrection, though God frequently chooses to answer the prayer of the believers fro physical healing (II Corinthians 12:12,I Corinthians 13:8; Hebrews 2:3-4; Mark 16:17-20; I Corinthians 1:22, 14:21-22).
E. Man
I believe the Total Depravity of man.
F. Salvation
I believe in salvation by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:8-9. I believe in the Eternal Security and Assurance of believers. John 6:39-40.
G. Separation
I believe in that all the saved should live in such a manner as not to bring reproach upon their Savior and Lord; and, that separation from all religious apostasy, all worldly and sinful pleasures, practices and associations is commanded of God (II Timothy 3:1-5; Romans 12:1, 2, 14:13; I John 2:15-17; II John 9-11; II Corinthians 6:14-7:1.
H. The Return of Christ
I believe in literal, personal, visible, imminent, premillennial, and pretribulational of Christ. I Thessalonians 4:13-18.